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Poems for the Beloved

Here’s some poems I read at the Art-N-Soul Showcase last night:


Turn the lights on Lord
I am tired of stumbling around
In the dark and bumping
Into objects of my own creation.

Maybe its because I am drunk
On your spirit that makes
Look like a fool – falling down
Every few steps to praise you
And call out for mercy

Who moved all the furniture
Around in your house Lord?
I may be blinded by your Glory
But I will keep walking toward
Your voice – Keep talking
so I can find you!


A Fish ate an Elephant!
What an outrageous thought.
But it is true to those you know
How to see you.

Put on your God-glasses
And see the miracles popping
Up all around you.

The bones of the behemoth
Lay at the bottom of the ocean.
The Fish swims away
Happy and full of praise.

Maybe it is time to jump in the water?
Let’s follow the fish to his next meal.
Maybe he will share a camel or ox
With us for dinner!

You can burb your pleasure to God
And thank him for his limitless blessings.


Ten thousand fools
Follow me
Day and night.

Counseling me with
Their worthless wisdom.

Clap your hands lord
And shut up their chatter.
Wisper and drown out
The roar of there folly.

I want to hear the morning bird
Sing you praises.
I want to hear the evening cricket
Worship you.

Make all the voices go home and
Mind their own business.

But stay awhile Lord
And hold my hand
In the silence.


There is a sweet lullaby spot
Three inches to the left
I want to stretch out there
Like a cat soaking up the sun.

You can feel Eternity here
Floating in a bubble
Dancing on a gentle breeze
Distorting the noise of the world.

God? Can you feel me too?
Can you see me longing
To be forgotten in this dream?

You are this spot.
You cradle me in rough
Farmers hands, a song of
Air passing your lips
Settles me to sleep.

Back! The illusion is
Thin and stretching to breaking.
The voices of rushing wind
Replace your Spirit.

There is a sweet lullaby spot
Three inches to the left.
I stretch out there
Like a man seeking God.

Contact Ron Huxley:

Ron Huxley is available as workshop or Keynote Speaker. Contact him by checking out the "about" page details.


Ron Huxley has been on several TV and Radio Shows as parenting expert. Contact him at ptmembers@aol.com

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