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What is beauty?

ATC – beauty
Originally uploaded by rehuxley.

How do you define beauty? Is beauty over rated in society? Is there just one type of beauty? When we talk of “inner beauty” how does that differ and is there really such a thing? How does the medias idea of beauty affect our children? Tell us your thoughts?

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“Here is your assignment for life”

“Here is your assignment for life”
1. You will receive a body

You may like it or not, but it will be yours for the entire period this time around.

2. You will learn lessons

You are enroled in a full-time, informal school called life. Each day in this school, you will have the opportunity to learn lessons. You may like the lessons or think them irrelevant or stupid.

3. There are no mistakes only lessons

Growth is a process of trial and error, experimentation. The ‘failed’ experiments are as much a part of the process as the experiment that ultimately ‘works’.

Get more creative thoughts and ideas when you bust the blocks. Send a mailto:creativeblocks@getresponse.com

If at first you don’t succeed…

Image by aloshbennett via Flickr

1.Out of the first four stores F. W. Woolworth opened, three failed. When he died, he was worth more than $20 million.

2.Einstein was 4 years old before he could speak.

3.Isaac Newton did poorly in grade school and was considered “unpromising”.

4.Beethoven’s music teacher once said of him, “As a composer, he is hopeless”.

5.Michael Jordan was cut from his high school basketball team.

6.Walt Disney was fired from a newspaper because he “lacked imagination, and had no good ideas”.

7.Thomas Edison’s teacher told him he was too stupid to learn anything. Later, he tried 1,600 different materials before settling on carbon as the filament for the electric light bulb.

As a parent, what do you do that you feel you really “succeed” at? What areas are you wanting to work and improve in? What is one thing you can do today, to grow in this area? Who can you turn to for help?

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The “E” Words: 5 ways to build a stronger family.

To often we tell are children what we “don’t” want them to do instead of what we do want them to do. We forget that each child has unique gifts and abilities. Our jobs as parents is to provide a way for that to blossom and grow. Here’s some motivational concepts you probably won’t hear at your run of the mill parenting class. Let the action steps help you nurture your family (and you)…

1. Empowerment:

Empowerment is the means and opportunity to make decisions and take
actions that directly affect each person in your family. How are you empowering your child to be who they are vs telling them who they are not?

2. Entrustment:

This is how parents transfer power and self-control downward in an family. You must use clear expectation and create a democratic decision making environment. Let your child think for himself or herself. The solutions to a problem will not always be the best the natural consequences of their own actions will make them smarter and more mature.

How will you communicate your belief in your child’s abilities and decision-making skills in the next week?

3. Ennoblement:

Get a vision of the big picture about your parenting and your family. Is today really just about laundry and homework or are there bigger issues and long-term lesson you want to teach. Parents have to accept that each person in the family is needed to the success of the family. It does not rest on one person although adults will have more responsibility than the children. That doesn’t mean less ownership.

Communicate your vision for your family to your child like a corporation might do with a mission statement. Most kids don’t mind because they have the wrong motivation. They think this is about me playing and mom doing everything else. Not so! Talk about this vision today…

4. Enablement:

Your kids can’t do anything they haven’t been taught to do. They won’t do anything you don’t do! Be a role model for what you want to see in your family. Ensure that the necessary support is in place to help your child be successful at home. If you don’t know what they want or need, ask them: “How can mommy and daddy help you do ______?”

Take some time to listen to your children’s conversation to each other or to their peers. What does it tell you about what you need to change in the home?

5. Enrichment

This “E” word summarizes all the other concepts. It refers to the need be a “coach” to your child to train your child with the emotional and social skills they need and help them understanding their abilities by experiencing their limitations. It allows for mistakes (in them and you) with lots of empathy and cheer leading to try again.

Parents must look at the inner person and not just the outer behaviors. Find the child’s hot button and focus on character issues, not whining and tantrums. For every misbehavior, ask why? Why are they whining? Ask why again, if needed, until you get to the root cause of the behavior and address that issue, not the fruit of it. Learn to reflect feelings and not give lectures.

Share your thoughts on these 5 “E” words to build family strength…click the comment link.

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Brain Dominance Test and Parenting

According to an online brain dominance test, I am a little more right hemisphere dominate than left. Try this test yourself:

Brain Dominance Test (Online-Test) – test your brain dominance – The IPN

My results stated the following: Tips to activate the left cerebral hemisphere:

Bring a sense of order into your life, plan the day’s activities, do not talk about things you do not like, avoid sad music, movies, or other activities. Become physically more active by doing athletics, exercise doing math in your head, read a book, that challenges you and gets your full attention.

What would happen if I have a child that is very “left-brained” while I am very “right-brained”? Actually, this is a true statement. My daughter has dreams of becoming an accountant and loves anything mathematical. I struggle with math and being an accountant would be a nightmare to me. I put off doing my taxes to the very last minute. 

It is important that we take brain dominance into account when we are parenting. Our likes and personalities will be different if our brain dominance is different. Our ways of solving problems, patience levels and tolerances will be different too. This can affect our acceptance and empathy of our child. It can create a wedge in our communication as well. 

How has brain dominance affected your parenting? What did it do to you as a child with your own parents? Click the comment link to share…


365.034 Tired and Frustrated
Image by marvin L via Flickr

I am not in this world to live up to other people’s expectations, nor do
I feel that the world must live up to mine. —Fritz Perls

Expectations can stop the flow of living and stop you from enjoying your children. Although expectations can raise the proverbial bar, to allow your child to reach a little harder in life, it often raises it too high or never lets it come back down. This spells disaster for relationships and breeds the germs of resentment and anger.

Our expectations often come from what we believe others are doing that we “should” too. But why should we? Where is it written that we must have the same income and John and Jane Smith next door? Who says that it is essential that our home always be clean and our children always respectful? What will happen if we/they are not?

How has your parenting expectations helped or hindered your ideas of being a family? What if this family isn’t what you expected, what now? Is there an acceptable Plan B, C or perhaps D? How might you address these expectations to live more realistically and follow your own course in life vs. following others?

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